Vaccination Required To Enter Tanzania

When planning a trip to Tanzania, it is important to be aware of the necessary vaccinations and recommended immunizations to ensure a safe and healthy journey. This comprehensive guide outlines the vaccination requirements and recommended immunizations for entering Tanzania, providing you with the crucial information you need for a worry-free adventure.


Contrary to popular belief, Tanzania does not require special vaccinations for travelers coming from the USA, the UK, European Union, or most countries worldwide. However, there is an exception regarding Yellow Fever. If you are from or have recently visited a country at-risk for Yellow Fever, a vaccination is mandatory upon entry. Notably, Yellow Fever vaccination has long been a prerequisite for entering Tanzania, and compliance remains high. Travelers who haven’t visited at-risk countries are not required to provide proof of this vaccination.



With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to stay updated on travel requirements. If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, it is necessary to present a vaccination certificate upon arrival. In the absence of vaccination, a negative PCR test must be obtained no earlier than 72 hours before your arrival in Tanzania. We strongly recommend getting vaccinated against COVID-19 before your trip to ensure added protection.



For those planning a longer stay or traveling to malaria-prone regions in Tanzania, taking precautions against this mosquito-borne disease is advisable. While such measures are primarily recommended for travelers to Africa in general, it is wise to consider malaria prevention medications based on your specific itinerary. Whether you’re embarking on a safari, a mountain climbing expedition, or a beach holiday, safeguarding yourself against malaria is essential to prevent any disruptions to your vacation.



Although no required vaccinations exist for travelers entering Tanzania, several immunizations come highly recommended. These include tetanus, diphtheria, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B. Tetanus, more prevalent in equatorial countries, can be prevented with the combined DPT vaccine. Hepatitis A is transmitted through contaminated water, while Hepatitis B is associated with poor hygiene and personal tool usage. Vaccinations against these diseases are widely available and strongly recommended.


In addition to standard immunizations, it is crucial to follow any extended recommendations provided by your national health authority. Vaccinations against diseases such as chickenpox, pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus, influenza, measles-mumps-rubella, polio, and shingles should be considered, especially for those traveling to Tanzania. Typhoid vaccination is recommended for individuals who intend to travel alone, live in rural areas, or dine outside establishments with poor sanitation. For those volunteering with animals, including dog rescue programs, getting vaccinated against rabies is advised.


While contracting diseases like malaria, dengue fever, or tsetse disease may raise concerns, the risks can be minimized by following necessary precautions. Using mosquito nets, wearing long-sleeved clothing, applying repellents, and practicing good hygiene are effective preventive measures. Tanzania’s successful malaria control campaign and efforts to control tsetse flies provide further reassurance. Additionally, Yellow Fever, although not prevalent in Tanzania, should be considered if traveling to endemic countries or planning future trips involving such regions.


In conclusion, there are no mandatory vaccinations for entering Tanzania from most countries. However, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the recommended immunizations, including tetanus,

  • Diphtheria
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B.

Consideration should also be given to COVID-19 vaccination requirements and necessary precautions against malaria, dengue fever, and tsetse disease. Prioritizing your health and taking appropriate measures will ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Tanzania.

Remember to consult your Ministry of Health, trusted physicians, and personal medical history when determining the relevant vaccinations for your travel to Tanzania. Stay informed, stay safe, and embrace the wonders of this beautiful destination.
